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Thursday, March 1, 2012

Punctuation in Writing

There was a twitter discussion about triffids/orchids/zucchini taking over the world this morning.  Then there was some confusion, which made me think of this.  Not that our discussion had anything to do with confusion about hyphens or punctuation or the difference between panel A vs. panel B. . . but Deb said something about getting coffee to keep up with the man-eating zucchini discussion, and Kat agreed it was necessary. . . so I offered to draw a cartoon to help clarify something regarding zucchini.

This is what occurred to me.  


  1. I love this. LOVE LOVE LOVE.

    Also, even though I hate almost all veggies? I love zucchini. Which most people hate. I know. I'm a total weirdo.

    1. I like it fried. But who doesn't like fried zucchini?

      Communists. Communists don't like fried zucchini.

    2. zucchini bread is also awesome. plus, zucchini is great in lasagna!!

      only once you can get it to put down it's man-food and clean up the blood, though.
      ;) :D

    3. And people who don't like chocolate. They don't like fried zucchini either. These people shouldn't be trusted.

    4. I hate zucchini bread. We can talk about that now that Gramma has passed away.

      who doesn't like chocolate?

  2. Hhahahah cute. And true. I like.

  3. I've had coffee now, but I'm still confused. #justkidding
    Or maybe I'm still confused, but not about man-eating zucchini.

    1. heh. . . you hashtagged your comment. #Twitteraddict.

  4. For the record, I got side-tracked by the idea of all the zucchini bread we could make if zucchini tried to pull a triffid-like post-apocalyptic world takeover.

  5. Damn. I miss all the best twitter conversations when I am . . . doing something else. As I was this morning.

  6. This is great! I like both zucchini and the cartoon.

  7. Crap, I didn't know you could cartoon! I specifically appreciate the zucchini's dastardly mustache.

    1. THANK YOU! Finally, someone noticed my silent-movie-style dastardly evil mustache. You know he's evil BECAUSE of the mustache!

  8. Love this...and I adore zucchini--but only when I'm the one doing the eating! :)

    1. I do not love zucchini. My grandmother used to bake it into bread and flavor the bread so it was like zucchini banana bread or some such. They planted BUSHELS of the stuff and my mother. . . well, she didn't know how to properly prepare it, or she DID, and it just sucked anyway.
